Truly bizarre ghost story

The September 24, 1903 edition of the Bloomsburg Columbian featured a short but interesting story about ghostly images which appeared on one family's ceiling in the village of Otto, in Northumberland County.  These images, which were of the faces of Simon Fisher's two children, appeared while the children were sick.  Oddly, the children whose faces appeared on the ceiling died shortly thereafter.  Spooky!

The article reads:

A ghastly and ghostly story is given to the world by an undertaker at Otto, near Herndon, in Northumberland County.  He states that six years ago and 18-year-old girl of Simon Fisher was ill and her likeness appeared mysteriously on the ceiling.  It was visible to all but her and she died the next day.  The likeness remained although the paper was removed and the ceiling whitewashed.  Last week a son died in the same room under identically the same circumstances and both pictures are now to be seen.

(view the original newspaper article here)
